Scott Salmon

Scott Salmon
Phone Number

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Physician Overview

Dr. Salmon is board-certified in Urology. He Graduated from Midwestern University with his Medical Degree and completed his residency at Detroit Medical Center. One of Dr. Salmon’s favorite surgeries is the buccal urethroplasty for recurrent bulbar urethral strictures. He also perform surgeries for enlarged prostates, kidney stones, vasectomies, bladder cancer, testicular cancer, erectile dysfunction, and stress incontinence in women. His practice philosophy is, “I believe the patient is their own best doctor and advocate. I offer options for the different diseases to the patient and ultimately desire the patient to choose their care that is most right for them.” In his free time, Dr. Salmon enjoys fishing, snowboarding, reading, and gardening. At this time in his life, his great hobby is spending time with his kids.
