Brian Goodman

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Physician Overview

Brian Goodman, D.O., is a healthcare professional with a board certification in Family Medicine and a strong background in healthcare management. He holds a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree from A.T. Still University and completed his Family Medicine Residency at Mountain Vista Medical Center in Mesa, AZ. Dr. Goodman’s comprehensive approach to healthcare is exemplified by his Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) in Healthcare Management from the University of Phoenix, along with a Graduate degree certificate in Gerontology.

Additionally, Dr. Goodman is a respected faculty member at Northland Pioneer College where he teaches classes in pharmacology and medical ethics to future healthcare professionals. In his personal life, he is a husband and father of six children, deeply rooted in the White Mountains, where he was raised, and actively involved in his community. Outside of work, Dr. Goodman enjoys outdoor activities, including cycling, camping, hiking, and ATV riding.