Nathan Brooks

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Physician Overview

Dr. Nathan Brooks, M.D., is a dedicated healthcare professional with a strong foundation in family medicine. He completed his residency and internship training at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, specializing in Family Medicine under the ACGME program and earned his Doctorate of Medicine at Saba University School of Medicine in the Netherlands Antilles. Dr. Brooks also holds a Bachelor of Science from SUSOM in the Netherlands Antilles. With his extensive medical training and commitment to patient care, he is well-prepared to provide comprehensive healthcare services, ensuring the well-being of his patients.

Dr. Brooks mostly grew up in southeast Arizona, and has practiced in Arizona since 2005. He and his wife moved to the White Mountains 2021 and have loved the area. He enjoys riding his Harley with his beautiful wife and exploring the outdoors. Dr. Brooks is grateful to practice in this area at this time and looks forward to serving his patients.